Duckface Community and the Selfie Generation

Sunday 25 October 2015

I am guessing that this long past its sell-by-date fad started with celebrities and porn stars and ended with the world and his wife copy-catting on Facebook as though their life (or likes) depended on it.  Wherever it came from, I wish it would crawl back in its hole because I honestly do not understand this pouty epidemic.  

Whenever I spot a duckface pout, it just leaves me cold. The wearer seems to assume the position of, 'Look at me, aren't I fabulous?  Don't Cha Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me?  PS.  I shall dismiss any naysayers as sad uglies who go to bed at night weeping that they aren't as delicious as I am'.  

It is this message, ladies and gentlefolk, that beams out to me from the majority of overly-posed duck face shots and selfies, whether the perpetrator is male or female. (In fact, I think it might be 24,53981 times worse when committed by men).

The bottom line is, it smacks of sheer unbridled arrogance.  To be a member of the Duckface Commnity is not confident, self-loving or uplifting but arrogant.  Don't get me wrong, I can cope with a random selfie and pouty face or two and I do believe that people should shine their light in whichever manner they choose.  I mean it's your face and your camera roll, knock yourself out but at the very least it's boringly conformist and at worst it smacks of smug.  

In case this all sounds a little harsh, what I am getting at here is not really individual duckfacers but the phenomenon of it.  That pouting for all your worth has become an actual THING.  This look is almost the norm and I fear in years to come we will forget what the humble, glorious smile actually looks like!

Sheeple please stop or at least go on a duckface diet.